Healing Thru Rhythm is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization that combines entertaining fitness and world music with fast and slow rhythms to help exercise the body and mind. We focus on healthy dance activities for women, men, senior citizens, and youth with various genres of music.  Our goal is to foster healthy activity, encourage self-confidence, and embrace mental stability to communities, organizations, and businesses. 

People become stressed or depressed with everyday life and often need an outlet to smile more, be happy, and just let loose. Healing Thru Rhythm provides the necessary tools to relieve stress through dance fitness and promote healthy living.

Renee Allen
President & Founder Of Healing Thru Rhythm

Renee was born in Brooklyn, New York and moved to Los Angeles at a very young age. She always had a passion for dance, but did not understand its therapeutic capabilities while growing up.

In 2011, Renee went to a Zumba class for the first time and as she continued to attend these classes she learned how liberating dance fitness can be. While going to Zumba classes four to five times per week, she worked a full-time job while also simultaneously taking care of her young children. A wife and mother of five, she realized balancing a family and career may be tough, but she was a strong believer that finding time for yourself, your health and mental well-being are very important and set a strong precedent for her family and others.

A year later in 2012, Renee took a leap of faith and became a certified Zumba instructor. She wanted to share her love with others who had the aspiration to become a better stronger version of themselves and discovered the healing powers of dance fitness.

Today, Renee is the President & Founder of Healing Thru Rhythm where she aims to meet the health and wellness needs of the community and embrace mental stability through dance fitness. She volunteers her time and continues to instruct dance fitness classes at COLLAB Dance Studio in Carson, California. With the creation of monthly themed events at her classes, Renee pursues to make her students exercise their bodies and minds, smile more, and live a healthy life.

Jennette bolden

Jennette was born and raised in Los Angeles, California. After taking her first Zumba class in 2011 she knew she would one day become an instructor herself and bring the enjoyment of dancing to her own community. After becoming a licensed instructor, it has opened many opportunities for her throughout the L.A county area. One of the greatest opportunities she has come across was working with Healing Thru Rhythm. Jennette oversees and leads activities/fitness classes, assists the President with key decision making and overall drives strategy. She has been with HTR for 3 years and loves serving the community and brings a wide range of energy students are eager to participate in.

Jennette is a single mother of four children, she works a full-time job, currently enrolled in school, instructs additional Zumba classes and somehow finds time for herself while helping the community embrace mental stability through dance fitness. Working with Healing Thru Rhythm and instructing Zumba has managed to bring balance and pure joy to her life. 


Janelle was born in Los Angeles and has worked with Healing Thru Rhythm for 5 years. She has a joy for dance, loves helping people within the community and developed a strong sense of devotion for the non-profit sector. Working with HTR gave her a deep appreciation for how the organization seeks to improve the quality of life in the community.

Janelle provides assistance in establishing the mission and vision of Healing Thru Rhythm, additionally ensuring the organization’s work is useful and relevant. She also volunteers her time to create easy to follow dance routines that are fun and uplifting to the participants.

What People Are Saying About Healing Thru Rhythm...

"Since starting dance fitness, I've lost 45 pounds. My confidence is better than it has ever been, my attitude towards myself and life in general is so much more positive. It lowered my cholesterol and blood pressure. I've gained my strength, improved my balance and flexibility and increased my stamina. I finally found a program that burns calories and a good cardio but are so entertaining and fun that I don't even feel like I'm working out. I absolutely love the class and instructors. Try it, you'll love it."
Sue Bowdry

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